Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dirty Bastard - Founders Brewing

Dirty Bastard
Scotch Style Ale
Founders Brewing
Grand Rapids Michigan

Scotch Ale's, much like the folks that drink them, are not to be messed with. This has serious taste, and packs a wallop at 8.5% ABV. Scotch Ales by nature are potent, a trait which has more to do with history than process. Back when your granddad was a kid, Scotch Ale was a beer that needed to keep well.

The alcoholic drink we know as "Scotch," by definition, is created using no grain other than barley. It follows then that Scotch Ales are given the title due to flavor, presenting themselves barley-y over hoppy. 1800's Scotland was not conducive to growing hops, so barley played a stronger role in flavor.

The packaging is unique - lets face it, its nice to live in a world where you can go out in public and buy something that so freely uses the word "Bastard". Under the script "Dirty Bastard" there's a Scotsman grinnin' something fierce! I got a six pack for around $11 - affordable for the legs this beer gives you. Don't confuse this with Stone's Arrogant Bastard, (a beer I also love, and sometime soon I'll tell you all about it) as they have very different tastes.

Founders was started by two college kids in the 90's who decided to put down the skate board and Sonic Youth albums and get busy. They've done well for themselves, and now I can find their beer in Jersey. Way to go guys! (http://www.foundersbrewing.com/foundersnew/beer/)

This beer is a lot of fun - like a smokey carnival. It's got a red-brown tint to it, and its very, very sweet - burnt caramel for lack of a more innovative description. There is a lurking hoppy taste to this that doesn't disrupt. I don't know if you have ever had a beer and said you were upset by how hoppy a Scotch Ale tasted, but I don't think you run that risk here. If you aren't expecting it, the first sip or two will make you think about what you are drinking. Alcohol isn't a prominent flavor, and but kind of plays with the other sensations in your mouth. The after taste is enjoyable and not surprisingly similar to a swig of JB, but with out the burning or regret. If you've ever had an extended evening with a bottle of scotch, you know what I mean. If you haven't - DON'T!

This is like a tub of Ben and Jerry's - filling, textural, and delicious. Also, it's great beer for sharing with friends - just twelve ounces of this stuff goes a long way. But the trip is worth it.


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