Monday, July 5, 2010

Old Engine Oil - Harviestoun (Special Guest Post!)

Old Engine Oil
Black Ale
Alva, United Kingdom (Scotland)

Hello BBBB visitors. I am honored to have been awarded the prestige of being the first guest blogger on Joe's beer blog. I'm Emily, his girlfriend, and I'm pretty new to the wide world of beer. I guess after trying fizzy yellow beers I thought I could safely say beer just isn't for me. But when Joe started getting interested in craft brews, I kinda tagged along, and I've discovered that I love stouts and brown ales - thick, chocolaty beers.

I've been wanting to Old Engine Oil since we saw it on the Menu at Beneluxx, a Belgian beer/snack restaurant in Old City Philadelphia. They ran out, but we spotted it today at a liquor store outside Ewing, NJ. I'm very glad we did!

This is a very dark beer - holding it up to a light doesn't change the color whatsoever. Harviestoun really nailed the name for this guy. It's got an excellent taste - roasted carmel - maybe sweet enough to be a dessert beer. I'd love to have this in the winter with a warm brownie topped with melty vanilla ice cream. Mmmmmmmm....

Even though it's sweet, it's still a little bitter. Think of a very dark chocolate - great flavor but nowhere near being overly saccharine.

I only found this as a single bottle, and it was about $4. It's nice to see this is a 12 oz rather than a $8 22 oz. I think this a perfect serving. I'd absolutely pick this up again, probably in the colder months, and I'm excited to try it with some warmed baked goods!


1 comment:

  1. John and I have enjoyed many an old engine oil. I could go for one right now! We used to get it at that fancy beer store near where kyle and laura now live.
